5 ways to make your dreams to action

 2012-03-21 01:07:15   评论   1,043次浏览

First, follow the call of the heart, to find their true love How to set their own goals in life? You should follow your heart’s call. What is your specialty? What do you love? What kind of person you want to be? Principles of goal setting is to do what we do best, to maximize their value.

             First, follow the call of the heart, to find their true love How to set their own goals in life? You should follow your heart's call. What is your specialty? What do you love? What kind of person you want to be? Principles of goal setting is to do what we do best, to maximize their value.


              A real goal in life should be the one to make your every day with passion and fill you full of goals, once you have identified such a goal, in addition to yourself who else can stop you to do something you like to do?

Second, try, and try again, also is trying to In fact, everyone committed mistake and the number of failed experience far exceeds the sum of the success of their life. You may fail 1000 times, 10,000 times, what is really important is that you can harvest? Because you only need a good enough!

Is essential to the success of all your attempts to be meaningful attempt to again and again.

Third, a life without limits, the courage to challenge themselves There is no best, only better.

Don't stop, only to pursue to make you see that you.

5 a day, four pieces will help you to achieve the target of Stop talking, start now! You can try this trick: 5 a day will help you to achieve the target. Have you found yourself is always busy, but the change has not occurred as a result of better life? Worth noting is: what we are doing something important? After over 3 years, it is also so important? The importance depends on whether it can help you to achieve the goal of life.

If you find that you're working on something doesn't make much sense to your life, you should stop doing these things, do the right thing!

Five, making a perfect plan How to set up schemes?

First of all, you should know that a comprehensive plan includes what parts?

1. to have clear objectives

No plan without goals, remember that your plan is the target of the service for you.

2. plan of action Where you what to achieve the set targets? You should do what you can to achieve this goal?

You shouldn't have to do which can help you to achieve this goal?

3. supported systems By virtue of their power of one person to complete all tasks. You will also need the help of others. So, establish their own support system. When you're in trouble, and who can give you support?

Resources, right before our eyes, you're going to use the resources that will help you to achieve your goals.

4. follow up plan You can't fish in two days three day screen, you must first develop a targeted follow-up plans, it ensures that you are acting according to the plan. In other words, you are the target set of people, and the target practice, is also the supervisor of the target. Every day you have to monitor their own behavior, you are doing helps to achieve the goal. Then, every time you need to evaluate their own harvest in this period of time. If you've got, it shows that you are moving towards the established goals.

What if there is no progress, you'll have to rethink where did wrong, and then improved.

5. adjustment plan You act you might discover that you set in the process of planning the actual operation with less feasible or inefficient, so this time you have to make adjustments. Principle is to maximize your reflect your strong points and advantages. Your goals are set pursuant to this principle, and your plan for your goals.

Therefore, if you later find that his goal is what adjustments need to be made, it would no longer adhere to the original direction of the error.

Adjust the direction of the scheme is to ensure that you are on, so you can go successfully to the end.



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: